Our detailed plans library is in need of significant revision so we have disabled it until we can audit the full collection, which is extensive. We also wish to move the collection to a proper database driven system to make maintenance easier. We hope to have this completed shortly. The SmartCARS dispatch system will in most cases offer a planning option on it's dispatch page.
AUSOTS routing is now available for a range of long haul flights flights. Pilots are encouraged to use these flex tracks instead of the fixed routing system should visit our AUSOTS page for details on how to use this system. Details on information about routes to and from the gates can be found at our AUSOTS Gate page.
Compass takes every care to ensure these plans are accurate but they are for simulator use only, they are NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE
If you find an error or discrepancy in any of the plans, or a plan that is outdated please notify us (this includes plans in the SmartCARS database)